
Help diversify the blood supply

Suggested message: Shared ancestry could mean a life-giving blood match for someone with sickle cell disease or thalassemia. ...

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Some people with sickle cell or thalassemia are able to live and thrive because of blood donors with similar ancestry.

Suggested message: Some people with sickle cell or thalassemia are able to live and thrive because of blood ...

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Do you have ancestors from African, Asia, the Mediterranean or Middle East?

Suggested message: Do you have ancestors from African, Asia, the Mediterranean or Middle East? Your blood type might ...

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Most people with thalassemia have ancestors from the highlighted areas on the map.

Suggested message: Most people with thalassemia have ancestors from the highlighted areas on the map. If you do ...

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Donate blood now. Find a blood center near you.

Suggested message: Find a blood center near you: #BloodDonorDiversity #SickleCellDisease #SickleCellTrait #Thalassemia

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