
Valentine’s Day

Suggested message: On this Valentine’s Day help to diversify the blood supply! #sicklecell #thalassemia #blooddonor #blooddonordiversity #blackblooddonors #africanancestry ...

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Black History Month

Suggested message: February is Black History month. Donate blood today: www.BloodDonorDiversity.com #sicklecell #thalassemia #blooddonor #blooddonordiversity #blackblooddonors #BlackHistoryMonth

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I gave blood today

Suggested message: If you have ancestors from Africa, Asia, the Mediterranean or Middle East, your blood might be ...

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Shared ancestry could mean a life-giving blood match

Suggested message: Shared ancestry could mean a life-giving blood match for someone with sickle cell disease or thalassemia. ...

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Let’s increase the blood supply!

Suggested message: Let’s increase the blood supply! Find a blood center near you: aabb.org/GiveBlood #BloodDonorDiversity #SickleCellDisease #Thalassemia

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There is a need for African American blood donations.

Suggested message: African descendants are more likely to have blood types that are a close match for people ...

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